Anugoonj - ConnectUSS | Official Newsletter for USS

Indian ocean

Anukriti Jain

We got a chance to have a candid chit chat with the indian ocean band. Here is a glimpse of the interview:

Ques. When you started in late 1990’s, why did you name your band Indian Ocean?
Ans.They responded in very humble way that when they were naming the band, someone suggested the name ‘Indian ocean’ and it clicked, that’s why they are called Indian Ocean. There is no story behind this name.
Ques.What was the driving force that kept them going, how did they come so far?
Ans.They were modest enough answering this question saying they were lucky, they enjoyed the music they make, they make music basically for themselves, when they started enjoying what they were doing, audience started enjoying even more.
Ques.What do you think is the future of other bands in india and is there any theme when you create a song as there are mythological elements involved in the songs?
Ans.Rahul ram replied that there is a much more scope now. They highlighted that the Sanskrit and the mythological elements in their songs is the contribution of Aheem Chakravarty, everyone has given a bit of themselves to the music. Sufi elements has been symphonized by the lyricist, Sanjeev Sharma, he brings that element into the music they create.
Ques.What are your expectations from the crowd of IP university?
Ans.They said they have huge expectations as they earlier played at the Kashmere gate campus in 2004, at that time, they had a fantastic audiences and they had a fantastic show. They were hoping that the things have only improved in the last 10 years.
Ques.When you create music in any colleges, do you start relating yourself to that place?
Ans.They answered that it is really nice to play because there could be many people in the audiences who would be attending their first concert, it is really a nice experience, these people are not aware about the history of the band, people would be just coming there, having a good time, they try to make it memorable for the audiences. They added that they get lots of energy back from college as the younger audience is really phenomenal.